Source: Hamilton Lane Data as of 3/31/2023 (August 2023)
Source: World Bank, 2019
Source: Capital IQ (February 2023)
Public vs. Private Returns
Buyout (Private Equity) and Private Credit
Total Return vs. Public Market Equivalent (PME) By Vintage Year
Source: Hamilton Lane Data via Cobalt, Bloomberg (August 2023)
There is evidence of public company retrenchment, and over the last two decades, public markets have become increasingly more concentrated, dropping from more than 7,800 publicly listed companies at the beginning of 2000, to roughly 4,500 at the end of 2022. The dwindling number of public companies has made diversification beyond them even more important.
Number of Listed US Companies
Public & Private Companies
by LTM Revenue > $100M

Private markets’ outperformance over their public equivalent is driven by a variety of factors. First, there is a liquidity premium associated with private markets: Higher returns may be compensation for longer lockup periods with investors’ capital.
Another reason may be that companies are staying private for longer and, in turn, have the potential to experience more of their growth and innovation before going public. The below chart describes this well. As tangible examples, two of the 10 largest tech IPOs waited 10 and 12 years, respectively, before going public, long after they had disrupted the industries in which they operate.
Source: Jay Ritter. The sample is IPOs with an offer price of at least $5.00, excluding ADRs, unit offers, closed-end funds, REITs, natural resource limited partnerships, small best efforts offers, banks and S&Ls, and stocks not listed on CRSP (CRSP includes Amex, NYSE, and NASDAQ stocks). Average IPO size is defined as the aggregate IPO proceeds during the period shown, divided by the number of IPOs in the period
Average Size and Age at IPO
Private investments can also be a valuable diversifier, in part due to the much wider pool of companies within private markets versus the public markets. There are more than 140,000 private companies globally with annual revenues above $100 million, compared with just 19,000 public companies at the same revenue level.
While the public markets have concentrated in recent years, each of the various private market strategies have expanded and grown, as you can see in the chart below.
The Composition of Private Markets
2Source: Research by Professor Jay R. Ritter, University of Florida
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Source: Hamilton Lane Data as of 3/31/2023 (August 2023)
The Composition of Private Markets
While the public markets have concentrated in recent years, each of the various private market strategies have expanded and grown, as you can see in the chart below.
Source: World Bank, 2019
Public & Private Companies
by LTM Revenue > $100M
Source: Capital IQ (February 2023)
Public & Private Companies
by LTM Revenue > $100M
Source: Jay Ritter. The sample is IPOs with an offer price of at least $5.00, excluding ADRs, unit offers, closed-end funds, REITs, natural resource limited partnerships, small best efforts offers, banks and S&Ls, and stocks not listed on CRSP (CRSP includes Amex, NYSE, and NASDAQ stocks). Average IPO size is defined as the aggregate IPO proceeds during the period shown, divided by the number of IPOs in the period
Average Size and Age at IPO
2Source: Research by Professor Jay R. Ritter, University of Florida
Public vs. Private Returns
Private investments can also be a valuable diversifier, in part due to the much wider pool of companies within private markets versus the public markets. There are more than 140,000 private companies globally with annual revenues above $100 million, compared with just 19,000 public companies at the same revenue level.
Private markets’ outperformance over their public equivalent is driven by a variety of factors. First, there is a liquidity premium associated with private markets: Higher returns may be compensation for longer lockup periods with investors’ capital.
Another reason may be that companies are staying private for longer and, in turn, have the potential to experience more of their growth and innovation before going public. The below chart describes this well. As tangible examples, two of the 10 largest tech IPOs waited 10 and 12 years, respectively, before going public, long after they had disrupted the industries in which they operate.
Hamilton Lane Data via Cobalt, Bloomberg (August 2023)
Buyout (Private Equity) and Private Credit
Total Return vs. Public Market Equivalent (PME) By Vintage Year
What is the history of private market investing? >>